Legislative Framework
The Conservancy (formally: The Conservators of the River Cam) is a Body Corporate, created and regulated by Acts of Parliament (principally the River Cam Navigation Act 1851 and the River Cam Conservancy Act 1922). It is the statutory Navigation Authority for the River Cam, within its area, as defined by the 1922 Act. It is empowered by the 1922 Act to make Byelaws to regulate the River. The relevant Acts and the Byelaws can be inspected through the links below.
1845 Land Clauses Consolidation Act
1845 Railway Clauses Consolidation Act
1847 Commissioners Clauses Act (view) (download)
1922 River Cam Conservancy Act
1985 Cambridge City Council Act
1996 Conservators of the River Cam Byelaws
2018 Conservators of the River Cam Privacy Policy
Superceded Byelaws