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Online Banking

To pay via your own online banking transfer / bill payment facility use the following details:

Account name: Conservators of the River Cam

Sort code: 20-17-19

Account: 20194425

Reference: Boat name & your name


Standing Order

If you wish to pay by Standing Order, please contact the Conservators office on 01223 863785 for further details, or email  

Housing Benefit

If you are eligible to receive housing benefit, your boat license fee can be paid directly by the City Council.  Please contact us or the council for more details.

Cash (via Barclays only)

If you would like to pay for your boat license with cash you can do this by making a direct deposit into our account at Barclays.  You can do this at any branch of Barclays by completing a deposit slip with the following details:


Sort code: 20-17-19

Account number: 20194425

Account name: Conservators of the River Cam

Reference: Your name & boat name



 If you register online the application form will automatically calculate your licence fee.  You will then be able to pay using a debit or credit card, or a PayPal account. 

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