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Frequently Asked Questions
This information has been collated to assist the public with up to date answers regarding the situation at Baits Bite Lock and Jesus Lock.
20 February 2025
Will the Conservators be offering any form of compensation or refund for the inconvenience to vessel owners since the closure of the lock islands?
Every vessel on the River Cam navigating between Bottisham Lock and the Mill Pond in Cambridge must be registered with the Cam Conservancy. The Conditions of Registration 2024/25 Section 3.b.ii state that, “No further other discounts or return of registration fees will be given for lack of use of a vessel or its removal from Conservancy Waters before the end of the registration year.”
Registration permits the lawful use of a vessel on Conservancy waters; it is not a charge for services provided. Therefore, the withdrawal of a service does not constitute grounds for a refund or compensation.
Updated: 22/08/2024
The following questions were raised at the quarterly meeting on 25 July 2024
Has the 2nd survey been completed yet?
How long will this one monthly updates on the online diary continue, it makes it very hard to plan ahead?
When will the locks reopen ?
I have missed by dry dock slot for 2024 - it may take months to get another date - when will the locks be open?
Will there be a lock open day when boats can traverse the lock under supervision to allow trapped boats to get out and away boats to return?
In answer to the questions above:
The Conservators hear and understand the significant frustration and concerns expressed by boat users and members of the public, regarding the closure of the lock islands and locks. The Conservators are, however, required to act [in the best interests] to ensure the safety of members of the public, its staff, its contractors and the environment. Taking account of the information currently held by the Conservators on the condition of the lock islands, the locks must remain closed at this time to fulfil those responsibilities and obligations. The Conservators cannot say how long the locks will be closed but as soon as it is safe to do so, the locks will be opened.
I paid the Anglian Pass for 2024 - how do I claim a refund
Conservators have heard the request for Anglian Pass refunds and also for discounts and refunds of the wider registration licence fee. We would respectfully remind users that registration fees and income from the Anglian Pass are the main source of income for Conservancy work, however these requests will be reviewed by Conservators.
Do the conservators understand the huge impact the lock closures make on the powered vessel community (less so the punts and rowers).
The Conservators do understand the impact on the powered vessel community, as we have said in our statement on the website and as the Chair confirmed at the quarterly meeting. The Conservators are working hard to address the situation and are treating the whole situation as a priority. The Chair undertook the Conservancy would update rivers users as soon as there is an update.
When the river levels drops my boat sits on the bottom and lists. What plan do the Conservators have to deal with this long-term problem.
There are known locations on the river that silt up each year. What action plan is in place to deal with them.
The Conservators do not currently have a de-silting policy. Whilst this concern has been raised previously, the Conservators are not aware that this is a widespread problem. This is a matter which can be considered among the many maintenance requirements the Conservators face and will be prioritised alongside other matters including but not limited to: weed control, bank erosion, revetments and major infrastructure requirements.
May 2024
Do I still need to pay my registration fees in view of the lock closures?
Yes, it is a requirement of the Conservancy Byelaws 8.1 that “no person shall cause or permit to be brought kept or let for hire or used on the river any pleasure boat unless it is registered annually with the Conservators and such annual fees have been paid.” Please see next question about fees and discounts for more information.
Will there be any discounts or refunds as regards to registration fees due to the closures of Baits Bite and Jesus Locks?
The closure situation is being monitored. The Conservators are aware of concerns. This issue will be reviewed once the likely length of the closures becomes clearer and any attendant impacts.
In view of the recent lock closures what are the Conservators’ view about wild mooring alongside Conservancy land from Clayhithe towards Horningsea?
There is the possibility that we can grant temporary wild mooring at the moorer’s own risk for those who usually moor above Baits Bite but cannot presently get back. Those who fit into the above criteria are invited to apply. Please email your enquiry to info@camconservators.org.uk
What do the Conservancy fees pay for?
Weed Cutting
Removing river obstructions
Bank Revetment work
Essential Tree Management
Oversight of Events
Engagement with vessel owners, members of the public
Engagement with support services and charities regarding vulnerable vessel owners
Land maintenance
Contract commitments
Facilities management (Maintenance/renewals)
Equipment management (maintenance/renewals)
Vessel management (maintenance/renewals)
Infrastructure management (maintenance/renewals)
Incident Reporting
Compliance management (Health & Safety, HR and Financial management/Audit)
Staff salaries (4.5FTE)
Byelaw enforcement and patrol
Court attendance
IT infrastructure & maintenance
Partner engagement (Cambridge City Council, Cambridgeshire County Council, Environment Agency, riparian owners, Safety advisory groups, Emergency Services, South Cambs District Council.
Why are you closing the locks?
We are closing the locks because the state of the lock islands presents a risk to the public.
When will the Conservators reconsider the closure?
More detailed structural surveys are being commissioned by the Conservators to enable a better understanding of the issues, risks, and potential solutions. The Conservators will reconsider closure in the light of these surveys.
How serious is the structural condition of the lock islands; will they collapse entirely or imminently?
We don’t really know, which is why further investigations are needed. The structural engineer’s reports say that the lock islands are at risk of “catastrophic failure in the short to medium term.” There are visible cracks in the lock islands which are growing, and other structural instabilities.
What would happen if there was a “catastrophic failure”?
There are a number of possible scenarios for how the structure might fail, and a number of possible impacts of such a failure. We will be investigating both aspects as part of the further more detailed work.
I am a resident boater but my vessel is currently away from Cambridge; will I be able to return?
Yes, if moored downstream of Baits Bite Lock
No, if moored upstream of Baits Bite Lock, the lock is closed to all vessels.
Is there any provision for visiting powered boats to use the locks?
No, the lock is closed to all vessels.
The locks look safe to me; can I use them at my own risk?
No, the locks are closed to all vessels.
I am a rower / kayaker / SUP user; can I portage my boat around the locks?
Yes, the towpath remains in use at both location
I usually pump out my boat at the Cambridge pumpout station; what can I do?
If you moor above Baits Bite lock, you can continue to use the City Council’s pumpout facilities at Jesus Green. If you moor below Baits Bite lock, you can use the Environment Agency’s pumpout facilities at Ely.