The Conservators
The existence, duties and powers of the Conservators are derived from Acts of Parliament, the earliest of which was passed in 1702. They are appointed by Cambridge City Council (7), the University of Cambridge (3), the Environment Agency (2) and Cambridgeshire County Council (1).
No Conservator receives an income from the Conservancy for the fulfilment of their role, and for the majority of Conservators, this remains an entirely voluntary role.
The Conservancy's income comes largely from the registration of boats, other income is generated from fees charged for works on the river, rental income and more recently, for work undertaken on behalf of the Environment Agency. The Conservancy does not receive any subsidy from the governments or any local authorities, it remains entirely self funding. All income raised is put back into fulfilling the Conservancy statutory responsibilities, and any monies Conservators have invested are expected to produce a financial return which will supplement the organisation's income.
Please click here for the Conservators of the River Cam 2023 - 2028 Business Plan.
Cambridge University
David Goode (Fr.) (Chair)
G Greenfield
J Tearney-Pearce
Cambridge City Council
N Gough (Cllr)
D Levien (Cllr)
A Wilson
S Tovell
Cambridgeshire County Council
A Bradnam (Cllr)
Environment Agency
S Judge (Deputy Chair)